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Cindy Daneker

Senior Applications Engineer

As a Senior Applications Engineer, I help the other application engineers, customer service, territory managers and customers with daily technical questions and issues. I support the process of having our application engineering team works closely together, step in to help when there are quality issues with products and get them resolved.
I work with my friends at Ewellix. Our sales unit is a close-knit family, many of whom have worked together for years. We all have the drive to succeed, and I find this is the same throughout Ewellix globally. Everyone is always willing to step in and help even if it is not their job. We act as one big family that wants to be successful and will help others when we can.
The most interesting opportunity going forward will be to replicate successes in applications. When we see a certain application is successful, we will know the approach the Ewellix team took, what products were used, and what issues the customer faced that we were able to solve. This will give us the challenge to find similar customers and try to win their business.