New Ewellix virtual showroom
We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Ewellix virtual showroom, a digital platform where you can learn and interactively navigate through our main applications and solutions, view documents, open links, and request additional information, in case you have.
By clicking on the virtual show room link, you will see three virtual rooms. The first we are launching now is the mobile machinery one, followed by assembly automation and medical, planned for the coming months.

Once in the mobile machinery room, you will see three main applications (harvester combine, fertilizer spreader, baler) in a typical farm environment. By clicking on one of them, you will find different hotspots that can be clicked to show our products and their functions.
Selecting a hotspot also opens a sidebar where you can see the main function, the product name, the key benefits and discover more trough links to videos, publications, and web pages.
A contact form is also embedded in the showroom. Here you can ask questions by filling out a form and one of our sales representatives will come back to you soon.

Enjoy your virtual journey and do not hesitate to contact us!
Ewellix is a global innovator and manufacturer of linear motion and actuation solutions used in assembly automation, medical applications and mobile machinery. Formerly part of SKF Group, the Ewellix Group consists of 16 sales units and eight factories. External net sales are approximately 2.3 SEK billion and we employ around 1200 people. Ewellix is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden and is owned by Triton.